Process 6/7


Well. I was really psyched last time I posted a process post because a) it was two posts in one week and b) I was doing stuff/making stuff happen with this project and c) it was a different kind of post. And then last week happened and I didn’t write a thing or make any progress. Because: Life.

My life is nuts. I could recount it all. But, you don’t need to know the details, really. Or rather, it feels boring and self-indulgent to recount them. We all have life stuff going on. Suffice it to say that, last week, life taught me that as much as I may think I’ve finally glommed on a to a system or I can keep things going despite chaos, chaos, i.e. life, sometimes wins.

But here’s the thing…even as I typed that, and tried to move on to enumerating what I failed to do…I realized I did just a little. Not enough, by my standards. But…a little. So, without further ado, here’s my messy “I did (or didn’t) do it” list for the week.

Last week…

1. I failed to do the a.m. pages every day. This makes me sad. I miss them, and know I work better—more creatively, more joyfully, when I do them. Sorry for sounding earnest. But it’s true.

2. I did continue to listen to Grit, which I like more the deeper I get into it, though I find that in listening I sometimes walk away and miss stuff (I often leave it playing when I’m cleaning, etc)…I find it more and more relevant to Ted and may call the author of the book to see if she’ll talk to me about him/this project. Among topics that came up that interested me were hope and the idea of very structured/targeted practice….all of which I think pertain to Ted. The stuff on parenting, however, was giving me an anxiety attack re: what I have failed to do for my kids. My kids are old enough (11 and 14) that I’m already starting to feel the pinch of missed opportunities. Also, my 14-year-old is now in the stage of telling me all the things I’ve done wrong. So that’s fun.

3. Bri and I decided to do some of the exercises in Grit, which means I have to buy the hard copy, too, now and we’re moving on to the next book simultaneously. We’re going to be listening to Martha Beck’s The Way of Integrity because we were both blown away by Oprah’s interview with her on Super Soul (Oprah’s podcast).



